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Our Lungs Our Air Our Health


Activity 8 (Evaluate): Modeling Air Pollution &

Human Health

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Activity Overview

Activity Summary

For this final activity, students demonstrate what they have learned in the module about air pollution and human health by completing an assessment.

Activity Objectives & Materials

Approximate Time: 30 minutes



  • Students will demonstrate what they have learned in the module about modeling the respiratory and circulatory systems, and the effect of air pollution on humans.



  • Assessment scoring guide



  • Our Lungs, Our Air, Our Health assessment

Standards Connection

DCI: LS 1.A: Structure & Function

DCI: LS 2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

SEP: Developing & Using Models; Constructing Explanations

CCC: Systems & System Models; Cause & Effect



Choose a warmup based upon something from this module you want to review with students before the assessment.


1. Frame the Activity

During this investigation, you have acted as medical professionals to diagnose your patients – Tatiana and Calvin – and get to the root cause of their problem. You have figured out what is causing their asthma to give them problems, and you have learned how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to provide your body with oxygen. Today you are going to share what you’ve learned to show what you know.

2. Summative Assessment

Provide the assessment to students and support as necessary.

Differentiation: Instead of having students write the constructed response answers completely, provide sentence starters or make the responses fill-in-the-blank with key concepts left blank for students to fill in.

Differentiation for advanced students: For an added challenge, remove some of the parts of the model and have students add them in as part of the assessment.

3. Grading & Feedback

Use the scoring guide provided to grade the assessment and provide feedback to students.

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